Baszar El-Helou

konsultacja + zalecenia (269 zł)
konsultacja psychodietetyczna (199 zł)


I help people who have experienced difficulties in their relationship with food, including those who have repeatedly failed to lose weight or change their eating habits. I work with people with eating disorders, who are trying to recover from an eating disorder, who are trying to permanently reduce their body weight, or who are trying to modify their diet for an accompanying medical condition. In my work, I focus primarily on nutrition education and behavioral and decision-making change. I am guided by clinical knowledge and evidence-based medicine, as well as a practical and empathetic approach to each individual to achieve noticeable and lasting changes in eating habits that improve health and well-being. My role is to know when to push harder, and when to change the focus or reduce expectations in order to facilitate persistence and give everyone a chance to succeed. I am a dietitian after the Medical University of Warsaw and psychodietitian after Warsaw School of Social Psychology. Currently I' m finishing PhD studies at Medical University of Warsaw on loss of muscle mass and strength in elderly people. I have been gaining experience in working with people for several years, including several years in my own clinic. During that time I conducted individual and family psychodietetic counseling for healthy and sick people, trainings and workshops, and I participated in events promoting healthy lifestyles. On a daily basis I work at the Medical Center of the National Institute of Public Health of the Polish Institute of Hygiene (PZH - PIB), and I also teach dietetics to students of the Medical University of Warsaw. My interests: psychodietetics, eating disorders, anthropology of nutrition, evidence based medicine
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