Izabela Nowak

Professional burnout
Couples therapy
Mediation and divorce
Personality disorders
Work-life balance
Stress at work
Severe illness
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I support and accompany people who want to expand their consciousness and want to learn to apply their resources in everyday life to fully enjoy life with increased personal autonomy and expanded self-awareness. Who does she work with? I work with people aged 17 and older experiencing emotional problems, in crisis, struggling with difficulties in partnerships, family relationships, suffering from loneliness, rejection, lack of self-acceptance, low self-esteem, anxiety, loss and bereavement, psychosomatic ailments and those in long medical procedures (such as infertility treatment). How do I work? I accompany clients on their therapeutic journey primarily with curiosity and attentiveness, I help and support by being honest and open with them in their relationship. In my work, I focus primarily on the "here and now," so that the perception of the problem,becomes an opportunity for change. A safe, trusting and space-giving relationship is an essential element of my work, which I constantly explore and expand during my professional practice. In such a relationship there is room to express one's anxieties, tensions, needs, a deep experience. I am a graduate of cultural studies and psychology at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, and I graduated from the Wielkopolska School of Gestalt Psychotherapists and am currently in the certification process. I gained my professional experience, among other things, during my internship at the psychiatric ward in the Center for Mental Health at the HCP Hospital in Poznan, in cooperation with the foundation "Well that you are" at the oncology ward -H. Święcicki Clinical Hospital in Poznan.In addition, I worked at the Municipal Center for Family Assistance in Poznan, where I conducted developmental and psycho-educational workshops. My professional experience also includes helping people recovering from helplessness and homelessness through the training home program. I am currently working with the Wielkopolska Dream Laboratory, where I support parents of children with developmental challenges.I supervise my work regularly, in groups and individually.I also expand my workshop by taking part in trainings, including crisis intervention - Suddenly Alone Foundation, psychosomatic disorders according to Gestal psychotherapy - workshop with Carmen Vasquez Bandin, working with people in the process of addiction - Marta Wołowska Ciaś, therapeutic trainings with elements of body work in the Gestalt approach, Field Theory - Jan Roubal. I am interested in relational psychology, which I translate into contact with the client. Supportive contact, for the client allows him to rebuild openness and trust in the world around him.
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