Aleksandra Sowa (Rudnicka)

personal development
Stress at work
Professional burnout
Work-life balance
Life satisfaction
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coaching indywidualny


My name is Aleksandra Rudnicka and I work with people who experience overload in their life. Often their task list is never ending, making them pay for it with their own health, chronic stress and lack of time for themselves. I help the people to regain balance and rebuild inner peace; restore joy in their daily live and find themselves truly "feeling alive" I am a certified coach, trainer of mental toughness, thinking and acting styles and kundalini yoga instructor. For over 15 years, I have been dealing with people's development, using holistic tools in the form of: coaching, mentoring, FRIS questionnaires (thinking and acting styles assessment tool), MTQ Plus questionnaires (mental toughness assessment tool), interpersonal and managerial skills workshops, as well as breath exercises and yoga and meditation. I believe that each of us possesses priceless inner resources, which - when realised and discovered, allow us to become fully ourselves in harmony and fulfilment. My experience includes years of working with people, on training classes and individual sessions, giving them my attention, support and knowledge. I have held various roles in international and Polish organisations (PwC, Jeronimo Martins Drogerie i Natura, VWS, Natura), such as training and development team leader, training department manager, key talent manager, trainer, mentor and coach. Each of these roles has been a valuable life lesson learnt: finding myself in different environments, dealing with constantly rising expectations, fast changing environment and high stress levels. This experience has given me a deep impulse to explore the inner peace that stays for longer, without giving in to current circumstances and events. That is why the philosophy of advaita vedanta is close to my heart. My preparation for working with people includes several educational paths: I completed the school "Business Coaching Diploma"- PwC Academy, "Team coaching"- PwC and the course "Coaching in the work of a trainer" - TROP. I finalised education in the field of psychology "Practical social psychology" - SWPS, "One year course in Interpersonal Skills and Fundamentals of Helping" - Gestalt Counselling Centre. I completed a training with the certification authorising me to use the MTQ Plus questionnaire, which measures the level of psychological toughness, and the FRIS questionnaire indicating thinking and acting styles. I graduated from Business Trainers School - Matrik and General Management Programme at Leon Koźmiński University. I am a certified yoga instructor after completing the International Kundalini Yoga Instructor Course - 3HO. I regularly develop myself in non-duality meditation, during silent retreats and participate in coaching supervision. Building on all these experiences, during coaching sessions, when I meet a person who is struggling with overload, tension and constant stress, I support him/her with observation, motivation and questions; returning to what is important to her or him. I believe that peace is our natural right and who we are in essence. I help to find this state; to take care of the balance: a shorter task list and more energy for the things that really matter in life.
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