Wellbee Legal Information

Wellbee Platform Terms and Conditions


In this document, you will find all the essential information about the services we can provide to you as a User ("You", "Your") through our Wellbee Platform (wellbee.pl). Here, you will also find information about the functioning of the Platform, hardware requirements, scope of services, as well as your rights and obligations related to using our services.

The Regulations might seem lengthy - unfortunately, we can't help that - firstly, we want you to have full knowledge about our services and the Platform. Secondly, the law requires us to provide you with a range of important information.

Before you start using the Wellbee Platform, especially before making any purchases through it, you must read the information contained in these Regulations and accept its provisions. Information about the processing of your personal data can be found in our Wellbee privacy policy.

The electronic services of the Wellbee Platform are provided by us, Wellbee sp. z o.o. ("we", "us", "our", “Wellbee”), based in Warsaw (00-020), ul. Chmielna 2/31, registered in the National Court Register under KRS number: 0000867078, NIP: 5252831565, REGON: 386648532, with a share capital of 33,550 PLN. Therapeutic services are provided by Wellbee Therapy sp. z o.o., a part of our capital group (more information can be found later in the Regulations).

We make the Regulations and other terms of service available to everyone (of course for free) before entering into a contract with us. If someone makes a suitable request, we will also make the Regulations available in a way that allows the person to obtain, reproduce, and preserve its content using the ICT system they use.

If you have the status of a consumer (which almost certainly is the case), remember that you have a range of rights resulting from legal regulations. None of the provisions of these Regulations should be considered as a limitation of these rights.

Remember that by accepting these Regulations, you agree to use the Platform and our services in accordance with their purpose, as well as the law and norms that apply in our society.

Below you will find some definitions that will be used in the further part of the Regulations - we assume that this form will facilitate your understanding of the content contained in this document:


Consumer - any User who uses the Platform for purposes not directly related to their business or professional activity; also applies accordingly to an entrepreneur with consumer rights;

Account - a free service provided to you electronically; it involves making available a separated and modifiable part of the Platform, allowing you to use other Services;

Materials - various types of recordings, texts, psychometric tests, or other materials related to broadly understood mental health, which you can access by purchasing access through the Platform, constituting digital content;

Newsletter - one of the Services involving sending digital content to your email address, containing information related to activities for mental and physical health, or about our activities, news on the Platform, etc.;

Fee - the amount you must pay to use the Therapeutic Service or access the Materials; we do not use hidden Fees, each Material or Service is always marked as associated with a specific Fee;

Platform - the Wellbee service and all its functionalities allowing access to Services, as well as Therapeutic Services;

Regulations - this document describing, among others, your and our rights and obligations;

Force Majeure - an event that could not have been foreseen (with due diligence), which is external to both you and us, and which we could not resist, acting with due diligence; this includes various events such as hacker attacks, actions of public authorities, natural disasters, the introduction of malicious software into the Platform;

Specialist - a person with appropriate qualifications (e.g., psychologist, psychotherapist, dietitian) each time indicated on the Platform, who provides Therapeutic Services to you under the Therapeutic Services Agreement;

Agreement - the agreement for the provision of Services, which you enter into with us by accepting the Regulations, as well as the Therapeutic Services Agreement whose content is derived from the Regulations, if you purchase a Therapeutic Service through the Platform's functionalities;

Therapeutic Services Agreement - an Agreement whose subject is Therapeutic Services, concluded through the Platform, whose parties are you (as a User) and Wellbee Therapy sp. z o.o. based in Warsaw (00-020), ul. Chmielna 2/31, registered in the National Court Register under KRS number: 0000881219, NIP: 5252837852, REGON: 38698317600000, with a share capital of 5,000 PLN, part of the Wellbee capital group;

Services - services provided to you electronically in the form of providing you with the functionalities of the Platform, in particular the Account and - if you decide - access to Materials or psychological tests;

Therapeutic Services - services involving consultations with psychologists, psychotherapists, psychodieticians, and other persons listed on the Platform, which you can simply purchase using the appropriate functionalities; Therapeutic Services are provided by Wellbee Therapy;

User – an identified person with full legal capacity, using the Platform and entering into an Agreement with us or entering into a Therapeutic Services Agreement;

Wellbee Therapy - the entity with which you enter into the Therapeutic Services Agreement, with the registration data indicated above.

Basic Information

These Regulations form the basis of the relationship between you and us and describe your and our rights and obligations. It also describes the course of certain processes related, for example, to complaints, violations of the law, or sharing your personal data with Specialists. Moreover, it regulates the content of the Therapeutic Services Agreement.

For all Agreements, the applicable law is Polish law - this means, in particular, that in matters not described in the Regulations, the applicable regulations in Poland will apply, such as the Civil Code or the Consumer Rights Act.

Within the Platform, you will not find offers made in electronic form within the meaning of the applicable regulations. Therefore, remember that the provisions concerning making offers in electronic form will not apply.

If you have any questions or want to contact us for any other reason, you can use our email address: opiekun@wellbee.pl or phone number: 732489003. After contacting us, we will try to respond to your inquiries as soon as possible.

You can also contact us through the chat available on the Platform.


To use our Platform, the equipment you use must meet certain requirements. They are really basic and allow the Platform to be used on most currently used devices. In other words, these are:

  • A device (phone, tablet, computer, including laptop) with Internet access;
  • An active email account (for registration purposes);
  • Enabled support for Cookies (those necessary for displaying the Platform on your device) and JavaScript;
  • An installed and up-to-date version of one of the browsers: i) Chrome; ii) Opera; iii) Safari; iv) Firefox; v) Edge.

The Platform, as a digital service or enabling access to digital content, may use your digital environment (network connection, software, and your hardware) as necessary to properly provide the Services. This means that depending on the Service or Therapeutic Service, the following may be used, among others:

  • Your web browser (as part of Cookies or other data, if you decide to save them);
  • The camera and microphone of your device (if you use the online Therapeutic Service).

You can use our Platform with all commonly used devices, i.e., tablets, computers, and phones. However, we do not guarantee that it will be possible to use the Platform with other types of devices that are not usually used for websites like the Platform, despite having Internet access.

Additional technical requirements are found in the "Therapeutic Services" section of the Regulations. As the title suggests, they only apply if you use Therapeutic Services.

Remember that you can only use the Platform in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations and the law. If you violate any rule arising from them, we may take the actions mentioned in the "Violation of the Regulations" section.

The Platform is also used by other people, both Specialists and other users. Therefore, you cannot:

  • Introduce any unlawful content to the Platform (so-called illegal content);
  • Act on it in violation of laws, good manners, and other basic norms;
  • Take actions that may cause problems with the operation of the Platform or Services;
  • Take actions that cause damage or other negative effects on our side or third parties, especially other Platform users;

The Platform and all its components (including the design, logo, and other marks found on the Platform) are subject to our intellectual property rights (including copyrights and industrial property rights) and may also constitute registered trademarks or industrial designs. Therefore, you must remember that you are not entitled to copy, reproduce or distribute them unless you receive a separate, unambiguous consent from us. If you do, we will have to take several actions against you to protect our rights.

After setting up an Account, you may receive messages from us to your email address. They may contain information about changes to the Regulations, changes in Services, new functionalities, and promotions on the Platform (more information on this can be found in the "Newsletter" section).


To enter into an Agreement with us for the provision of Services, as well as to obtain the possibility of entering into a Therapeutic Services Agreement, you must set up an Account (except for Materials and Platform functionalities available without the need to set up an Account). All necessary information related to setting it up can be found on the Platform.

Remember that when you use our Services related to the Account, the provisions of the Consumer Rights Act do not apply - this service is provided free of charge, only in connection with providing us with your personal data, which are processed only to perform the agreement, which is precisely to ensure you access to the functionality that is the Account.

The Account contains your data provided to us during registration on the Platform. Remember to keep your data up-to-date and accurate - you are responsible for this, so remember to update them within the available Account functionalities.

You cannot transfer any rights or obligations related to the Account to someone else unless we give clear and explicit consent.

Our Services

Within the Platform, we offer you a range of Services, the most important of which are:

  • Access to Materials;
  • Account;
  • Newsletter;
  • Therapeutic Services search engine;
  • Contact with a therapy advisor.

Services, apart from the service of accessing some Materials and Therapeutic Services (which according to the definition constitute a separate type of service), are provided free of charge. This means that we do not charge any fees for these Services.

Depending on the type of Service, it will be available to you after registering an Account, making a payment through the Account, or without the need to set up an Account, by using the options provided by the Platform.

Within the Service of access to Materials, you cannot take actions under which any content will be created as a result of your action or cooperation.

Within the Service of access to Materials, we provide you with various types of digital content through the Platform. You gain access to these Materials upon logging into the Account through which you purchased access to them. We may also, if we decide so, allow you access to the Materials for a free trial period.

If you enter into an Agreement with us for access to Materials (and access to them is not free), which constitute digital content within the meaning of applicable regulations, we ensure:

  • Access to them without delay unless we explicitly agree otherwise with you (access is considered the possibility of logging in, after which you can familiarize yourself with the Materials);
  • That you will have access to them through commonly used devices, as mentioned in point 2 of the Regulations ("Platform");
  • That the Materials will be suitable for the purposes for which they are usually used, i.e., expanding knowledge related to broadly understood mental health and good practices related to maintaining mental balance;
  • That you will have access to the Materials for the entire subscription period.

A detailed description of the operation of individual Services can be found on the Platform. In some cases, we may implement new Services within the Platform - however, this will not constitute a change to the Regulations unless such a change is necessary due to the properties of the new Service.

The service of contact with a therapy advisor involves a telephone consultation and aims to analyze your needs regarding Therapeutic Services. Remember that for the purposes of this Service, your personal data will be processed only to ensure contact with the therapy advisor. The service of contact with the therapy advisor may be free or paid, which you will be clearly informed about before making contact. If the Service is paid, the amount you paid for the service of contact with the therapy advisor will be deducted from your first Therapeutic Service.

If the Service mentioned in point 8 above is paid, you are entitled to the rights specified in the Regulations concerning Therapeutic Services. In other words, in the case of the service of contact with the therapy advisor, the provisions regarding Therapeutic Services apply accordingly.

If you order a given Service (including a Therapeutic Service), provided that consumer regulations apply to it, no later than when you express the will to be bound by the Agreement, whose subject is specific Services or Therapeutic Services, we will provide you with certain legally required information.


Remember that all content or tests available within the Materials are for informational and exemplifying purposes only regarding improving the quality of life and in no case do they constitute - and are not intended to replace or be an alternative to - medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment program for any ailments or disorders.

Remember that the people creating the Materials do not know your health condition, do not have knowledge about the functioning of your body, and do not know the history of your possible disorders. In no case should you therefore rely solely on the information provided within the Materials, and any issues concerning your condition should always be consulted in person with a specialist.

By using the Materials, you declare that you will not make decisions or actions or omissions concerning your health condition, and in case of such need, you will contact a doctor or another qualified person before making any decisions.


Remember that when you use our Services related to the Newsletter, the provisions of the Consumer Rights Act do not apply - this service is provided free of charge, only because you provided us with your personal data, which are processed only to perform the agreement, which is precisely the sending of the Newsletter.

You can unsubscribe from the Newsletter Services at any time by contacting us via email at opiekun@wellbee.pl or using the link found in each message sent as part of the Newsletter.

Therapeutic Services

If you choose the online option, to use the Therapeutic Service, you must have a device with Internet access (the connection must be stable and of good quality, as it is necessary to simultaneously enable sound and webcam) and access to Google Meet software. Using another application enabling the transmission of voice and image from one device to another to use the Therapeutic Service is possible only in exceptional circumstances and only with the simultaneous consent of both parties to the Therapeutic Services Agreement - you and the Specialist or Wellbee Therapy.

If you choose the stationary option, to use the Therapeutic Service, you will need to appear at the place indicated by the Specialist within the Platform - this place will always be displayed to you before entering into the Therapeutic Services Agreement.

Specialists providing Therapeutic Services Agreements on behalf of Wellbee Therapy maintain a proper standard of quality services and are required to work in accordance with the Ethical Code of PTP, maintain professional secrecy, and comply with generally applicable regulations, including the personal data protection act and security policy and confidentiality principles. They also have appropriate education, the right to practice the profession, and experience, which Wellbee Therapy verifies during the recruitment process and monitors during cooperation. However, Wellbee and Wellbee Therapy are not responsible if the Specialist deliberately misled us, made false statements, or otherwise influenced our decision to publish announcements regarding their Therapeutic Services.

If you have any comments on the quality of the Therapeutic Service, you should contact Wellbee - according to the arrangements between Wellbee and Wellbee Therapy, Wellbee is responsible for handling complaints, complaints, and other inquiries. Remember, however, that we are responsible for the Specialists and their actions only within the scope indicated in the Regulations (this applies to both Wellbee and Wellbee Therapy). A good practice is also to discuss your doubts with the Specialist conducting your Therapeutic Service in advance.

Remember that for online meetings with the Specialist, it is necessary to enable the microphone and camera to conduct the Therapeutic Service. Without them, the online Therapeutic Service cannot take place.

Like Specialists, you are also obliged to adhere to good manners in the context of Therapeutic Services, primarily taking care of punctuality and transparent relations with the Specialist, especially in the context of changes in the session schedule, appropriate conditions for the session (i.e., silence, peace, no other people in the room), and adherence to etiquette rules, including not recording meetings without prior informing the Specialist and obtaining their direct consent.

Failure to meet the above conditions necessary for the implementation of the Therapeutic Service due to your fault may result in the Specialist refusing to provide the Therapeutic Service and not refunding the funds.


If we provide such functionalities within the Platform (which we do not guarantee), you are entitled, just like other Platform users, to add comments regarding the competence of Specialists and the quality of their Therapeutic Services. If the option to add comments is available, you agree to comply with the following rules for each comment you publish within the Platform.

Remember that the comments you publish cannot violate the rights of third parties, in particular:

  • They cannot violate the personal rights of Specialists or other persons;
  • They must contain true information or a justified assessment of your observations related to the Therapeutic Service;
  • They must relate to Therapeutic Services, not other comments of yours, related, for example, to the appearance of the Specialist.

You will not be able to add comments if you have not used the Therapeutic Service with a given Specialist. Even if the Platform functionalities allow you to do so, you agree that you will not do so - this is to ensure that the information contained in the comments is true and allows other users to verify whether they want to sign up with a given Specialist.

We reserve the right to remove comments that are inconsistent with legal regulations or the Regulations. The removal of the comment will always take place after its assessment. In case of doubts about the content of your comment, we may contact you to clarify them.

We will take action to ensure that the comments contain only true content or objective assessments. Nevertheless, you always make the decision to choose a Specialist independently - we are not responsible for you being guided by the content of the comments.

If you have purchased access to the Materials, you can also add comments to individual content, as well as ask questions to experts - Specialists, which are published on our Platform - all the rules described in this point apply accordingly to comments under individual Materials.

Fees and Cancellation of Meetings with the Specialist

If a given Service or Therapeutic Service is payable, you can pay for it in the following ways: i) using the functionalities enabling immediate transfer, ii) regular or online transfer to our bank account, provided that this method is only possible if the above-mentioned method is not possible. You will be informed about everything before placing an order.

The Therapeutic Services Agreement is concluded under the suspensive condition of payment at least 24 hours before the Therapeutic Service - if there is no payment within this period, the Therapeutic Services Agreement is considered not concluded.

Due to the 24-hour payment policy, you can cancel the Therapeutic Service no later than 24 hours before its date. After this time, the Therapeutic Service is no longer feasible for anyone, hence you are not entitled to a refund for not attending a given meeting with the Specialist. This provision also applies to changing the date of the meeting with the Specialist - also no later than 24 hours before its date. This provision may change depending on the provisions contained in the therapeutic contract with a given Specialist, but this is an additional agreement independent of us.

Within the Platform, Fees are not adjusted individually based on automated decision-making. However, you must remember that Fees borne directly by individual Users may differ.

The differences in prices mentioned above may result from the fact that the employer or another entity with which a given User cooperates has entered into an agreement with us under which they participate in the price of a given paid Service. This means that the final price for access to the Materials or the Therapeutic Service is the same, regardless of which part is covered by the given User who made the purchase.

Apart from the above, in some cases, we may make Fee reductions, e.g., by providing a discount code that can be entered when placing an order. In such a case, we will inform you within the Platform about the lowest price of the Service (including the Therapeutic Service) in the last 30 days or, if the given Service has been offered for a shorter time, since the beginning of its offering on the Platform.

If you use the Services in the form of access to Materials, you can also consent to recurring payments, i.e., automated withdrawal of funds from the specified payment card for individual subscription periods chosen by you on the Platform. Through the Platform functionalities, you can easily opt-out of such payments at any time. However, remember that this will block access to the Materials after the last paid period expires.

Remember that if you lose the right to withdraw from the Agreement in cases specified on the Platform and described in the Regulations (in particular, if you accept the fact of losing such right), you will not be able to get a refund for the paid remuneration (e.g., if a given Therapeutic Service has already been provided).


We bear responsibility towards you, especially for the technical efficiency of the Platform and for access to the Services, including the Materials.

Within the Platform, all Therapeutic Services are provided by Specialists who have entered into an appropriate agreement with Wellbee Therapy. Wellbee's responsibility in connection with the actions and omissions of Specialists is excluded.

We bear full responsibility for the compliance of our Services, including the Platform, with the Agreement and our explicit assurances made to you.

However, remember that we are not responsible for damages caused by your fault and in the following circumstances:

  • Because you violated the Regulations, provided false data within the Account, placed an order for paid Services (including Therapeutic Services) despite not being entitled to do so;
  • Because you shared your login details (login and password) for the Account with third parties;
  • As a result of malicious or harmful software (malware) unlawfully introduced to the Platform by third parties;
  • Due to the removal of your Account;
  • Termination of the Agreement by the entity managing or processing electronic medical records due to your behavior or omission;
  • Due to short disruptions or lack of access to the Platform related to repair, modernization, or similar works necessary for you to effectively use the Platform.

As a Platform user, you are responsible towards us, as well as Wellbee Therapy, for your actions and omissions taken through the Platform, as well as during the provision of Therapeutic Services.

You are also responsible for not acting to our detriment, in particular by taking any actions leading to artificial or dishonest, including illegal, improper behavior or violation of good manners or netiquette, reducing your payment for Therapeutic Services. If damage occurs on our side resulting from your actions, you undertake to return the full value of the discount or discounts or other unauthorized benefits obtained in this way.

Consumer Rights

Within the Platform, we will provide you with a range of information you are entitled to receive under applicable regulations. We will inform you, among others:

  • About what determines the ranking of individual Specialists within the search engine provided on the Platform, as well as whether the ranking may be influenced by payments made to us by Specialists or the entities employing them;

When you order any Service (paid) or Therapeutic Service within the Platform, we will confirm the conclusion of the Agreement regarding the given Service or Therapeutic Service before its provision begins.

Wellbee Therapy, within the provision of Therapeutic Services, has the status of an entrepreneur.

Withdrawal from the Agreement or its Termination

You have the right to withdraw from the Agreement (regarding Services or Therapeutic Services) without giving a reason by submitting a statement of withdrawal from the Agreement (via email provided that it is the email address used when setting up the Account) to the email address: opiekun@wellbee.pl, via the Platform, or in writing to our address.

The period for withdrawing from the Agreement is 14 days from the date of its conclusion. To meet this deadline, it is enough to send us a statement of withdrawal before it expires.

Along with the confirmation of the conclusion of the Agreement (including the Therapeutic Services Agreement), we will send you a withdrawal form. It is also an attachment to the Regulations. You can exercise your right to withdraw from the agreement using this form.

Remember that in some cases, you will not have the right to withdraw from the Agreement. This will be the case, for example, when the subject of the Agreement is access to Materials, i.e., access to digital content not recorded on a tangible medium, provided you have previously agreed to provide such content before the withdrawal period expires through the Platform's functionalities, as per Article 38(1)(12) of the Consumer Rights Act.

If you do not agree to the above, you will gain access to the Materials only after the 14-day withdrawal period expires.

When you enter into a Therapeutic Services Agreement, remember that these are health services provided by healthcare professionals to patients for the assessment, maintenance, or improvement of their health. Therefore, some provisions of the Consumer Rights Act will not apply here.

If you purchase Therapeutic Services, you must agree that after the performance of the service covered by the Therapeutic Service, you will not be entitled to withdraw from the agreement whose subject is these Services, in accordance with Article 38(1)(1) of the Consumer Rights Act.

Depending on your choices made within the Platform, you may enter into a therapeutic contract with the Specialist, including a long-term one, covering a period consistent with your choices, as well as individual needs and therapeutic goals.

In the case of the Therapeutic Service mentioned in point 8 above, you have the right to withdraw from the Therapeutic Services Agreement within 14 days from the date of its conclusion, provided that the withdrawal does not cover services in the form of therapeutic sessions conducted until the day of delivery of the statement of withdrawal from the agreement to us.

If you wish to terminate the Therapeutic Services Agreement, each party - both you and the Specialist - is entitled to terminate it with a 14-day notice period. You can submit such a statement via our Platform. This is due to the specificity of therapeutic contracts or good practices resulting from working with mental health. We also ask you to inform the Specialist of your intention to end long-term cooperation.

Neither Wellbee nor Wellbee Therapy can guarantee that a given Specialist will be able to provide Therapeutic Services to you for the entire period you need. If the Specialist is unable to provide Therapeutic Services to you for any reason, they will inform you immediately. In such a case, you can: i) contact the therapy advisor to change the Specialist; or ii) resign from the Therapeutic Services, which will be equivalent to the immediate termination of the Therapeutic Services Agreement (we will refund you the funds to the extent that the Therapeutic Services have not been provided).

In the case of long-term Therapeutic Services, there may be a need to change the Fees. If the Fees were agreed with you individually (and the provisions of the Regulations regarding fee changes do not apply), then your consent is required for their change. In case of not giving such consent, the Specialist may decide to stop providing Therapeutic Services to you, which will be equivalent to the termination of the Therapeutic Services Agreement on the date indicated by the Specialist (not shorter than 14 days), justified by your mental health condition and the ethical principles of the Specialist.

If you withdraw from the Agreement whose subject is any digital content or service, you are obliged to immediately stop using such content or services, as well as sharing them with third parties.

If you submit a statement of withdrawal from the Agreement, we will immediately confirm receipt of such a statement - if we believe that you were not entitled to it, we will also inform you.

If your statement is effective, we will refund you the Fee paid by you within 14 days from the date of delivery of the statement, in the same way, you made the payment.

All statements and communications related to the intention to exercise the rights mentioned above should be addressed to Wellbee, which is authorized to represent Wellbee Therapy in the organizational handling of concluded Therapeutic Services Agreements.

Violation of the Regulations

If you use the Platform contrary to legal regulations or the Regulations, we will be entitled to take certain actions. Such actions are:

  • Sending you a warning and asking you to act or refrain from acting in accordance with the law/Regulations;
  • Temporarily blocking your Account until you take the actions indicated in the above request;
  • Deleting your Account and terminating the Agreement regarding our Services, as well as the agreement covering Therapeutic Services, with immediate effect, after the ineffective expiry of the period indicated in the request;
  • Preventing you from re-creating an Account within the Platform.

We will inform you about the initiation of the above procedure in an email, indicating the reasons for our decision.

Considering the above - if you have purchased Therapeutic Services that are supposed to last for a specified period, in case of using the Platform contrary to legal regulations or the Regulations, we are entitled to inform your Specialist about it, who will indicate that you must stop such actions.

In case of terminating the Agreement regarding our Services, as well as the agreement covering Therapeutic Services immediately (without a notice period), we will refund the Fees paid by you if they concern still unused Services, especially Therapeutic Services.


You have the right to file a complaint about the functioning of the Platform and the Services provided through it. The report you send should include at least data enabling your identification and indicating objections and comments to the Platform. Complaints should be sent to the email address: opiekun@wellbee.pl or our headquarters address.

We will consider your complaint within 14 working days unless you did not provide information enabling its consideration or did not provide data enabling your identification.

In the above case, the period for considering the complaint runs from the day you provide us with the missing information. If we do not consider the complaint within the period, it means that we have accepted it.

The response to the complaint will be sent to the email address indicated by the User. Remember that our response to the complaint is final, but you can take actions mentioned in the "Dispute Resolution" section or take other actions provided for in the regulations.

Complaints regarding Therapeutic Services should be submitted in exactly the same way as indicated in point 1 above.

Dispute Resolution

If a conflict arises between you and us, you have the option to use alternative dispute resolution (ADR) methods instead of court proceedings, especially through mediation, conciliation, or arbitration (arbitration court). A list of institutions to which you can turn for ADR dispute resolution can be found at this link: https://uokik.gov.pl/rejestr_podmiot_uprawnionych.php.

You can also use out-of-court methods for handling complaints and pursuing claims by submitting your complaint through the EU online ODR platform, available at: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.

If you do not decide to use ADR or ODR, all disputes between you and us will be resolved by a court whose jurisdiction should be determined according to applicable regulations.

Personal Data and Confidentiality

All information about how we process your personal data as an administrator can be found in the Privacy Policy. It relates to the processing of personal data by both Wellbee and Wellbee Therapy.

All Specialists are obliged to maintain confidentiality regarding your personal data and other information obtained from you. This obligation arises from legal regulations (professional secrecy) or agreements concluded by individual Specialists.

We undertake to keep confidential all information about the User obtained in connection with their use of the Platform. This information will only be used to provide the Services and will not be disclosed to third parties without the explicit consent of the User, unless required by applicable law.

Level of Technical Efficiency of the Platform

We will make every effort to ensure the proper functioning of the Platform.

We ensure the continuity and efficiency of the Platform. Remember, however, that this does not apply to events and their consequences related to the action of Force Majeure or the server operator or other external software providers.

To ensure better quality of Services and satisfactory operation of the Platform, we will occasionally perform maintenance or modernization activities on the Platform, as well as update it. Therefore, there may be technical breaks in access to the Platform, which will not exceed 3 hours per month.

Changes to the Regulations. Changes to the Scope of Services

We may change the Regulations for important legal reasons (amendment of legal regulations regarding Wellbee's operation), organizational reasons (change in the way we conduct our business or change in our offer), or technical reasons (modernization of the Platform, change in the functioning of the Platform or Services, addition of new functionalities).

You will be informed about the change in the Regulations via email to the address registered with your Account 15 (fifteen) days before the new Regulations take effect. If you do not inform us of your lack of acceptance of the changes, after the expiry of the mentioned period, the Regulations in the new version will bind you. If you do not accept the change and inform us about it, we will delete your Account (our Agreement will be terminated) on the effective date of the new Regulations or - if you have purchased Therapeutic Services - on the date of the last paid Therapeutic Service before the information about the change in the Regulations (during this time, you will not be able to buy new Services, and the unchanged Regulations will apply to you).

Even if we change the Regulations, it will not affect the Agreement as long as it concerns access to paid elements of the Services, especially the Materials, for the period for which you concluded it with us.

We inform you that in the case of Materials constituting digital content, they may be subject to changes consisting of removing some content and replacing it with new ones. We act this way to ensure that all Users have access to the best, substantive, and interesting Materials, thus ensuring compliance, the subject of which is the provision of Materials.

Materials may be subject to changes also due to their: i) update; ii) the necessity to remove some of their elements due to the rights belonging to other entities.

In case of introducing changes related to individual Materials - digital content, we will inform you clearly and understandably.

None of the changes introduced within the Platform will constitute a deterioration in the quality of the Platform and Services.

Final Provisions

The governing law for obligations arising from Agreements will be Polish law, provided that this choice does not result in depriving the Consumer of the protection resulting from the mandatory provisions of the law of the Consumer's country of residence.

If any provision of the Regulations proves invalid in whole or in part, the remaining provisions remain in force, and instead of the invalid provisions, the remaining part of the Regulations will be interpreted in such a way that their legal force and economic effect are as close as possible to the invalid provisions.

Effective date of the Regulations: 01.01.2023.

Sample Withdrawal Form

(this form should be completed and returned only if you wish to withdraw from the agreement)

To: Wellbee sp. z o.o., based in Warsaw (00-020), ul. Chmielna 2/31, registered in the National Court Register under KRS number: 0000867078, NIP: 5252831565, REGON: 386648532, with a share capital of 38,100 PLN, email address: opiekun@wellbee.pl, phone number: 732489003

I/We() hereby inform you about my/our withdrawal from the sales agreement for the following items()/ delivery agreement for the following items()/ work agreement for the creation of the following items()/ for the provision of the following service(): I withdraw from the agreement dated ... concerning* ... Date of agreement conclusion()/receipt() Name and surname of the consumer(s) Address of the consumer(s) Signature of the consumer(s) (only if the form is sent in paper version) Date (*) Delete as appropriate.

A Simplified Version of Wellbee's Child Protection Standards for Young Users

At Wellbee, we approach our therapeutic work with minors guided by the highest standards of ethics, care, and professionalism. Our goal is to create a safe, supportive space where every young person feels respected, understood, and heard. We prioritize trust, respect, and a personalized approach, believing that building a relationship based on mutual understanding is key to effective support. Here's how we ensure this in practice:

You will always be treated with respect. We aim to provide a safe environment where you feel cared for, understood, and supported. Our specialist will listen to you, talk with you, and ensure your feelings are acknowledged.

Everything you share during your session is confidential. If the specialist needs to share something with your parent, they will always discuss it with you first.

Your Safety:
At Wellbee, we do not tolerate any form of violence or disrespect. No one is allowed to raise their voice at you, harm you, treat you disrespectfully, or ignore your feelings.

Equal Treatment:
You have the right to be treated equally, regardless of your gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, or disability.

Support in Difficult Situations:
If we learn that someone is hurting you, we are obligated to take appropriate steps to help you. Our team is here to support you in such situations. If you feel someone is behaving inappropriately towards you, let your specialist know immediately. If the behavior involves one of our specialists or another staff member, inform your parents and email us at opiekun@wellbee.pl so we can address the issue.

Urgent Situations:
If you feel your health or life is in immediate danger and cannot wait for a session with a specialist, please contact the following:

  • Emergency number: 112
  • Child and Youth Helpline: 116 111
  • Ombudsman for Children's Hotline: 800 12 12 12

To learn more about Wellbee's Child Protection Standards and related procedures, click HERE.

Вам потрібна терапія чи консультація?

+48 22 307 32 24Ми тут для вас:
Пн.-Пт. 8:00–20:00
Сб.-Нд. 11:00–14:00

Ви знаходитесь у кризовому стані? Ситуація, у якій Ви опинилися, загрожує Вашому життю або здоров'ю?

112Зателефонуйте за номером екстреної допомоги
116 111Телефон довіри для дітей і молоді